Dress Code

Emmanuel - St. Michael Lutheran School has adopted the following dress code in an effort to reflect Christian values, enable students to live in oneness without uniformity, and to promote safety, respect of self and others, and modesty. The dress code allows students and parents to work together to make good decisions regarding student dress. A Uniform Shop is available at Union Street to assist families with dress code needs.


Fridays are ESM School Spirt Wear days. Students may wear jeans or jean shorts and any approved ESM Spirit Wear or ESM-issued shirt from an event such as a musical, talent show, or special day. Jeans should be clean, in good condition, and free of tears, rips, or frays. Spirit wear does not include apparel from other sports teams whether local or national. If you do not have Spirit Wear, you must conform to the above dress code. Spirit Wear can be purchased 3-4 times a year.

The Uniform Shop

A uniform shop is available at both campuses to assist families with dress code needs. The Getz Road Campus shop is set up across from Mrs. Latin’s office. The Union Street Campus shop is located at the back of the stage. Each item costs only $1.00. Payment can be made in either school office. You are welcome to shop anytime the school offices are open. In order to keep these areas “clutter free” we will only be accepting donations at certain times throughout the year.  Shop often to save money and have school clothes on hand for the change of seasons or growing children.

Questions? Contact the Union St main office at 260-422-6712.