Re-Enrollment Information

ESM continues to thrive with the partnership between churches, schools, and families in providing Education for Life + Faith for Eternity.
The re-enrollment period for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 8, 2025. The deadline to re-enroll your child is February 21, 2025. Following the February 21st deadline, new students will be accepted and current students without complete re-enrollment may be placed on a waitlist.
How do I re-enroll my current students?
It’s simple! Follow these steps:
1. Click to access the Sycamore Admissions Portal.
2. Login with your Sycamore family login/password (school ID = 3188) and click ADMISSIONS from the ‘box of boxes' on the the side menu.
* If you need help accessing your Sycamore account, please contact the school office.
3) Follow the instructions on the portal home screen to complete and SUBMIT the re-enrollment application for each student in your family.
* PRESCHOOL FAMILIES: This is the step where you will select program options. See ESM Preschool Program Fees & Options for full description.
* K-8 FAMILIES: This is the step where you will select your intended tuition plan. See ESM K-8 Tuition and Fees Estimate Worksheet & Plans for full description.
What about the application fee?
Your re-enrollment application will be considered complete and your student's spot reserved once your 1) online re-enrollment has been submitted AND 2) your $100 family application fee has been received. This is a non-refundable application fee.
OPTIONS for payment of application fee(s):
- PAY ONLINE! You will be able to submit the fee via credit card payment directly in the application process.
- Pay by CASH (in envelope noted with family name and application fee) or CHECK (payable to 'ESM' - note 'application fee' on memo line) to either school office.
How do I apply for scholarship assistance?
Check out the ESM Scholarship FAQ and Scholarships page to best guide you on what scholarships you may be eligible for. Application for scholarships is separate from the online re-enrollment process. Only families that have completed the online re-enrollment and have paid the $100 family application fee will be considered. Scholarships do not roll over from the previous year. An ESM Scholarship Application must be completed each year to receive scholarships.
Need more help with the online re-enrollment process?
If you need additional help in completing the application or need access to computer/internet, contact Erin Clark, Admissions Director, to schedule an appointment.
Director of Admissions